2021 Meetings Archive

Introduction to E2 (October 26, 2021)

October Meeting Join us on October 26th with Riana Ackley for a meeting on an overview of E2’s work in the Southeast region Dear NC AEE Members and Friends, We would like to invite you to join us on October 26th for a virtual meeting to learn more about the […]

June 2021 Transactive Energy

June Meeting Please Join us Tuesday June 29th with Toby Considine for an open discussion of Transactive Energy and how it resiliently balances the needs of power users and suppliers on the grid of the near future. Please join us for a virtual meeting on Tuesday June 29th at 6:00 […]

Webinar – Cyber Security (March 23, 2021)

March Meeting Join us on March 23rd with Steve Allison and Brian Cyprian for a virtual presentation on Cyber Security Is your facility safe if the US grid or your local water supply goes down? This question as well as many others will be answered by the panelists below during […]

February 2021 Green Energy Plan

February Meeting Please Join us February 16th with Ivan Urlaub for a meeting about the new Clean Energy Plan and an update on the Carbon Policy Process Please join us for a virtual meeting on Tuesday February 16th at 6:00 PM with Ivan Urlaub and Ward Lenz to learn about […]

January 2021 Deep Geothermal Energy

January  Meeting Please Join us January 19th with Vikram Rao for a meeting discussing new Geothermal opportunities enabled by recent drilling technologies Please join us for a virtual meeting on Tuesday January 19th at 6:00 PM with Vikram(Vik) Rao to learn about how the oil & gas industry could take […]