NCSU Solar House (April 22, 2024)   Recently updated !

April Meeting

Join us on April 22nd before the NC Energy Conference for a meeting and tour of the NCSU Solar House and CWEEL

We have a social meeting this week serving three purposes:

  • First, for those coming to Raleigh for the NC Energy Conference don’t just sit in your hotel room, join us Monday night at the NCSU Solar House right next to the McKimmon Center. There will be a number of energy industry people here and we will have pizza and soft drinks.
  • Second, we’re inviting all women interested in energy and energy efficiency to join us to learn about a new local CWEEL group.  The Council on Women in Energy & Environmental Leadership (CWEEL) is a part of the Association of Energy Engineers encourages and supports women in the Energy field.
  • Third, tour the NCSU Solar house.  Built in 1981 by NC State’s Professor Herbert Eckerlin of the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department, was created to promote and demonstrate renewable energy technologies to the community.  The house features 5 kW solar PV panels, solar water heating, a ground loop geothermal heat pump, efficient construction, and insulation, LED lighting, and is designed with several passive solar features that further reduce energy costs.  The site was used to conduct numerous renewable energy research projects, educating undergraduate students, and enabling graduate students to write research papers, theses, and dissertations. Today, the primary purpose of the Solar House is STEM education and outreach as well as renewable energy research. Check out this video on the construction of the Solar House in 1981!  The Solar House now has online meters for the house and the garage.  Check them out!

We look forward to seeing you at our meeting as a great way to kick off the NC State Energy Conference!



See Form Below


Monday, April 22, 2024
5:30 PM to 7 PM


The address of the Solar House is
1201 Gorman St
Raleigh, NC 27606
It is located right next to the McKimmon Center.
Google Maps Link


NCAEE Members and Friends


No cost for attendees

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Stephen Terry’s long-term goal is to contribute to the practice and awareness of energy conservation. Dr. Terry was the Director of the Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) in MAE. The members of the IAC visit manufacturing plants in North Carolina to show them how to save energy. On average, each visit results in a $50k energy savings per year. The assessments at the manufacturing plants are performed by students who, through this experience, also learn how different plants operate.


Best parking is in the adjacent parking lot at the McKimmon Center.

The NC State Solar House’s address is 1201 Gorman St, Raleigh, NC 27606 and is located at the corner of Gorman St. and Western Blvd.  Parking is available in the McKimmon Center main parking lot and is free for participants.

Additional Information:

  • If lost, call Michael Lyda cell phone 919-696-6943
  • Note: Parking at NCSU is free after 5:00 PM, so recommend you arrive just after 5:00 PM